Mae haeddiant dwyfol waed

(Llais y Dwyfol waed)
  Mae haeddiant dwyfol waed,
    Yn drymach yn y nef,
  Nâ'r pechod mwyaf gaed,
    A'i holl euogrwydd ef;
Gwrandewir llais y dwyfol glwy',
O flaen eu damniol floeddiad hwy.

  Gelynion creulawn lu,
    A gawsant farwol glwy',
  Ar fynydd Calfari,
    Paham yr ofnaf mwy?
Mae llais y gwaed
      yn uwch ei gri,
Nâ'm beiau oll,
      er maint eu rhi'.

           - - - - -

  Mae haeddiant dwyfol waed
    Yn drymach yn y nef,
  Na'r pechod mwyaf gaed,
    A'i holl euogrwydd ef;
Gwrandewir llais y dwyfol glwy',
O flaen eu huched floeddiad hwy.

  Am hyny tyr'd yn mlaen, -
    Nac ofn, f'enaid, mwy;
  Er haeddu uffern dân,
    Cai hedd trwy
         farwol glwy':
Telynau aur sy'n canu'n un
Am fuddugoliaeth Mab y dyn.
William Williams 1717-91

Tôn [666688]: Haddam (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)

gwelir: Disgleiria foreu wawr

(The voice of the Divine blood)
  The merit of the divine blood is
    Weightier in heaven,
  Than the greatest sin there is,
    And all its guilt;
The voice of the divine wound is heard,
Before their condemnatory shout.

  A host of cruel enemies,
    Got a mortal wound,
  On the mount of Calvary,
    Why shall I fear any more?
The voice of the blood
      is louder than their cry,
Than all my faults,
      despite how great their number.

              - - - - -

  The merit of divine blood is
    Weightier in heaven,
  Than te greatest sin there is,
    And all its guilt;
The voice of the divine wound is heard,
Before their so loud shouting.

  Therefore come on, -
    Fear not, my soul, anymore;
  Despite deserving hell fire,
    Thou shalt get peace through
          a mortal wound:
Golden harps are singing as one
About the victory of the Son of man.
tr. 2020,23 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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